Latest shopping receipt
I haven't scanned it yet but I mentioned to someone that my shopping screamed out "single man" and they questioned why - well, this latest one should remove all the doubt. I was served by a lovely Finnish girl (at least I overheard the person in front remark about her being Finnish) - not called "Cashier" as it says on the receipt. I think they may have sussed the flaw in giving people "cashback" when they hand over a card. I knew it couldn't last. She initially asked me if I wanted cash back and I said £30 wouldn't go amiss - but she said she couldn't give me any money from the till. Another worker in the store said I could get it from another till - but that seemed a bit dishonest. She also suggested I could get some money from the machine outside the store. This seemed weird to me. I mean, I can understand the supermarket wanting to give me money - as I had been spending money in their store - but why would a machine want to give me money.
All the girls are lovely in Morrison's. I can't wait until I become a lesbian.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - I won't mention the team,
but my own club's oldest rivals were relegated into the league which we are leaving. Up until last season this club had never been relegated and now they've been relegated two years on the trot. Well at least they can't sink any lower. For the first time in our club's history we'll start the season in a division above them. Oh what fun we'll have when we play them in the League Cup next August - knowing they will be below us. Gerritrightfuckinupyous-yabunchofgarnockvalleyscumbags.
Now it's just that other team from Shabby Park we need to see relegated - but I think they'll survive. One season they are champions the next they are facing the drop.
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