This was just across the road from me. I remember sitting at my bedroom window as the drama unfolded outside....then started to worry as the flames got more intense. They've since built a new modern looking school in its place. What an absolute waste.
wow! I hope no kiddies were inside.
I often had fantasies of setting my school on fire.. or wishing the bastard place would burn down!
I like watching fires... don't you??
I'm the fire starter.. twisted fire starter!! No but there is a sense of excitment watching a burning builing (with no-one in it of course)
I think it happened after school had finished for the day. I think it was something workmen had done that started the fire. But all the work the children had done would have gone up in smoke.
At the end of each school year a the children are given their painting etc to take home. None of these little kiddies would have any keepsakes from their year at school. That's why I was saying - what a waste.
Aw yeah, I bet the children were upset.
It looks like a nice building.. I'd like to see a pic of the one in it's place. The school across the road form me is just a boring flat building, they don't build 'em like they used to.
A dull modern building has taken its place. I'm kind of reluctant to take a picture of the new school. I mean, it's not going to look too good a 40 year old single man hanging around a primary school taking photos. Smarties anyone?
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