This is what I got for not answering the phone. I was at a Sportsmans' Dinner for my local football club. During the first speaker my phone goes off. I manage to get it out and cut the caller off. Then it goes off again. So I cut it off again. I turn the volume right down and put the phone in my pocket. And then it starts vibrating. So I let it vibrate for a couple of minutes and turn it off. I then text the caller to say it was a bad time to call and then this is what I get. I ask you - what has happened to the standard of english teaching in our school tuday. Of all the times for it to start ringing. I try and be anonumous most of the time because I suffer from Social Anxiety and then this happens.
What a nasty thing to say just because you were unable to answer the phone. Is this person a 'friend' ? I hope you gave then what for!
Yes - this person is a friend. They had said earlier on in the day they were going to phone me to see if I'd gone to the dinner. So I texted back to say I had gone...at least I think I texted back. Maybe I just imagined that I had. I thought that would be enough so I wasn't going to interupt proceedings with my phone going off during one of the speakers. Why did it have to be me.
Just been checking my texts and I sent this person a text in the eraly hours. I can't make any sense of it. Maybe I'll take a piucture of that one when I'm less sleepy.
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