I already got one shopping trolley free - now I'm considering getting another one free. I got another two pairs of slippers. But last night on Ebay I bought a shoe horn. Surely only old people have these. I did get a free one when I bought some shoes before but I've lost it. I'll bet it turns up the day after the Ebay one does.
Why can't I choose where I want the image to go. I wanted it to go below this bumph. These are the slippers - but not this colour.
I'm confused - did you get the slip slips for free??? Or did you actually buy 2 pairs of slips? If you don't want them all perhaps you cold give one to me, I could sail down the canal in it to work heh heh. No - but I bet my rats would LOVE it in there, I have had an idea for my fellaz slippers now :)
can we please see a pic of your new trainers?? I could do with a laugh!! Go on - please
The slippers werent free. They cost £400.00 but you had to buy two pairs. I'll find a pic on their website for the trainers.
Ignore that last post
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