Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Hard to read blogs

Why are some blogs so fecking hard to read? What is the point of a blog if people give up on reading them because they are so difficult.....a bit of "pot calling kettle black" here as most people will give up on reading my blog as it's so boring. I wonder if it's policitically incorrect to use an expression like "pot calling the kettle black" these days?


I bought a megaphone on Ebay and am waiting for it to be delivered. Be good to be heard above everyone else at the football for a change.

I've also bought some more lights for my bike. The rechargeable type for the front and a seven led thingy for the back. As well as a four led thing for my helmet. The flashing lights are illegal despite being more visible to motorists. Hell, laws are there to be broken. Oooooh - ain't I the rebel? A rebel without a clue.

Is God a terrorist?

Must be the first time I've heard God been called a terrorist - tonight on Newsnight. Personally, I don't think there is a God (although something weird was buggering around with my telephone line tonight....and last night...maybe that was God). So why does this God allow so many innocent children to die as a result of the tsunami? The Priest on Newsnight was not very convincing and just stumbled to give answers. The Muslim wasn't much better.....when the doubter of God ended with "I'm only speaking the truth - there is no God" the Muslim replied with "Yeah - a very bleak truth, no ehm, I mean ehm......"

Coffee - I need coffee. What a time to run out of sugar - on New Years Eve when the shops are going to be shut on the Saturday and Sunday....and then close early because it's a Bank holiday on the Monday.

My wheelie bin nearly disappeared the other night (morning). About 3:15am and the wind was really bad I heard the distinct sounds of the wheels moving along the street. A couple of minutes later and the wheels were moving again. In the morning there was no signs of my bin but yet again someone lese has decided to move it in from the street and try and claim it for themselves.