Monday, June 27, 2005

My blistered heel

The following picture is absolutely disgusting. I haven't put it directly on my blog because of this. Certainly not for the squeamish.

There are two blisters - one has broken and the other is filled with puss just waiting to explode. There is another one on my toe as well. I wish this fecking flash wouldn't go off so I can get a decent piucture.

Ooooooooooh Gabby

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There is absolutely no reason for me posting this picture other than to say I was once obsessed with this woman.

Can you guess what it is yet?

The above subject line should be said in a Rolf Harris accent.
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Well, if you can, tell me what it's proper name is or find me a picture on t'internet of it.

A strange start to the day

Around 10:30am I heard some glasses being rattled at my door. I thought - maybe it's the postman. You see, I have a carrier bag full of glass jars waiting to go to be recycled. I thought, maybe the postie has placed his bag down next to this bag and knocked it over. I thought no more of it. When I went out about an hour later, someone had placed all the jars in a line outside my door. I live in a block of six flats.

When I came back up later on I was locked out my building. I never bothered to get a key cut for the front door to the building so I had to go through the door to the next block of flats and in through the back door on my building. Annoying. We only got a lock on the door to stop schoolchildren getting into the building at lunchtimes in winter and eating their lunch. It was usually a group of about a dozen girls. I said hello to them any time I passed them on the stairs and they said hello back. But I think others in the building must have gone out and started arguing with them and they would have argued back. One of my neighbours even phoned the police to complain about them. One Wednesday I was leaving on my bike and I heard people talking outside my door. They were there for about 45 minutes by the time I left. Great - so that's where my tax money goes.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Camera I've ordered.

This is the camera I've ordered (right click on the link and open it in a new window so you can stay on my interesting blog and not bugger off and buy stuff from Amazon. Electronics & Photo: Casio Exilim Card EX-S100 Silver Digital Camera with Docking Station (3.2Mp, 2.8x Optical), 2.0" LCD

Glasgow SA meeting

I went to my first ever Glasgow SA meet on Saturday - only another two people turned up though.

Before going home I headed to Coopers Bar in Glasgow Central station and had a pint of lager.
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24 minutes later and it was time for another one Image hosted by

And then 18 minutes later it was time for some food and a rip-off 70p for a bag of crisps.Image hosted by

And then a train journey home. I was invited to a nightclub in my home town by a couple of attarctive young teenage ladies from Kilbirnie. One of them was convinced she knew me from somewhere and worryingly asked me if I was a policeman. maybe the shiny shoes (size 13) which were giving me blisters were what made me think I was a plod.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Measured up for my kilt

That's me been measured up for my kilt now. When she was measuring round me at one point my belly started to wobble. I thought to myself .....Don't laugh - it will only make it wobble more.


Haven't seen any of those on TV in years - but now I've got crap TV to go through I found a ventriloquist. He was only on for a couple of minutes though.

Christmas is fast approaching

We've not even reached the Summer Solstice and I've received my first Christmas catalogue.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Carrier bag tax

Just as I folded up all my carrier bags I hear on the TV some MSP is trying to get a carrier bag tax passed through the Scottish Parliament. Bloody typical. maybe I should set up a stall outside the supermarket and sell the ones I already have at half price.

Carrier bags

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I've got boxes full of these cartons of carrier bags......just in case they decide to start charging for them at some point in the future (like they do in the Republic of Ireland).

Strange hut

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This hut has suddenly appeared in the garden where I look out my living room window. Maybe there was a tree there before that's been chopped down. But when I first saw it I thought it was an outside toilet.

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I've now got my new Freesat thing - but I don't have the viewing card yet so most of the channels are missing. What a load of dross that is there though. I do get the choice of match I want at Wimbledon. I can't find ITV or Channel Four or Channel Five.

A bit of cheek from one of those installing the thing. His mate said to me I've left you plenty of cable in case you want to put the TV somewhere else in the room, to which he said "where the hell is he going to put the TV?" because the room is overcrowded with "things". And that was after I'd moved a lot of the stuff through to the bedroom to give them some space.

I didn't even let them through to the bathroom to wash his hands and asked him to wash them in the kitchen sink. Partly because I'd just used the toilet before they arrived but partly because that place is also being used to store things.

Finally folded the carrier bags
I finally got round to folding the pile of plastic carrier bags I get from Morrison's. It onlt takes a few minutes if I do it at the time of using the bags - but I rarely do so the pile gets bigger and then I've got to spend an hour or so folding them. Then they're kept neatly in plastic milk cartons (cut to appropriate size).

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Knocked out by air gel

I think I've figured out why I was feeling so drowsy last week. I bought an air fresh gel for the tiny office I work in for a couple of days a week. This was placed on a shelf and this particular shelf was only about 18 inches from my head. I think I was being "poisoned" by this because I've moved the position of it this week and haven't felt drowsy.......despite not getting to bed until 4am this morning.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Ourbid on Ebay with 5 seconds to go

I'd been bidding on a book and was outbid with just 5 seconds left. This particular book came out in 1985. I bought the first edition of it. It was a football (non-league) book. The edition I had did not have any Scottish results in it so I was determined to get the version that had Scottish results. I think I actually bought my version around 1992 so I've been waiting for 13 years to get the book.......FIVE FUCKING SECONDS. Christ, the creep was waiting for the final seconds so I couldn't come back at him. What a wanker - I thought it was just me that did that.

So just how much interest have I earned?

So - how much interest should I have earned since the interest was last added to the various accounts.

Well, the Abbey national one was opened on the 9th June so that's 3 days interest (it's is actually only two, if I think about it - but it's easier to count this way) which is 3p after 1p tax has been deducted. The National Savings Bank should have 162 days interest - or £2.91 after tax (with the greedy bastard taxman getting 73p). My ISA has no tax deducted and so at 12th June should have given me £56.87.

Friday, June 10, 2005

£5.94 a week interest

That's how much I earn from my savings.

I have £6300 in an ISA which earns me £5.74 a week (no tax to pay). My National Savings Bank a/c earns me 13p a week (after income tax deducted) from the £252.49 I have in it. I recently closed one Abbey a/c and opened another so the £122.90 I have in there earns me a whopping penny a day or 7p per week interest by the time the tax man has had his share.
The rates of interest are as follows :
ISA 4.75%
NSB 3.25%
Abbey 3.55%
I currently have around £600 in my current account and £114 cash in my wallet and I owe my credit card £29.05 and around £500 is owed to me for work I've done and not been paid for yet. So there you have my financial state of affairs at 10th june 2005.
40 years old - it's a pretty sad picture don't you think. time to bung some of that £600 from my current account into the National Lottery a/c in an attempt to try and improve things.

atacked by a baby swan

I dreamt I was attacked by a baby swan. Part of a much larger dream too bizarre to describe. The swans would grow from a ball not to dissimilar to something deepfat fried. They would evolve "transformer like" into swans (dunno where the deep fat fried outer layer went to - it couldn't have disappeared as that's what then ended up in after flying about). This particular baby swan flew towards me and I held out two fingers (held together) for it to land on. Unfortunately it used it's feet to wrap around my fingers in a vice like grip. It was agony. Then it bit me - but held on. Everyoen was looking at the swan and saying how sweet it looked - which meant I couldn't do what I wanted and that was to batter it off a table to get it to let go of me. There was a bunch of these deep fat fried objects lying on the ground - and I was saying to people not to break the outer crust. But it was too late and I had to run away from these creatures. I had a fera of going to sleep because of knowng I could wake at find I was being bitten by a swan.
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Then, just before 8am there was a knock at the door. So I out my clothes on and answered the door - only for it to dawn on me I had dreamt this as well. I've probably wrote about this before on my blog as it happens that often.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Could I feel any worse?

My pills are meant to be taken after a meal. Well I took one lot at 9:30am and another lot about 3pm and I hadn't had anything to eat by that time. Went to work about 4pm and thought I'm going to fall asleep at any moment. So I came home and thought I might even fall asleep while cycling home. I nearly came off the road at one point.....luckily the police car wasn't behind me at that point. But I can't sleep. It isn't even the pain that keeping me awake now. I don't know what it is . I feel as though my face is going to fall on this keyboard I'm that tired. But when I lie down and try to sleep - nothing happens. It's a bit like a bad hangover - one that starts early - even before you've finished drinking. You then can't sleep and feel sick. That's another thing I've had - warnings about an impending trip to the toilet with my face stuffed down the pan.

Everything I touch seems to break
At my work there is a computer, monitor and printer I bought for them off of Ebay. I didn't even bother to ask them - I just bought the stuff and then demanded the money. Well, as soon as I got in the monitor packed in. I say packed in - it didn't even start. I'm the only one that uses their computer as well. So I got them to give me a lift home and I picked up a 15" monitor. I have 6 spare ones because of a mad spell on Ebay. After using this one for a wee while I decided it was too small. I've bought another 17" one off of Ebay - again without telling them.
The pull-down lightswitch in the kitchen at my work doesn't work so I just keep taking the bulb in and out while the switch is left in the permanent on position. This bulb decided it didn't want to work after I accidentally dropped it. Probably because I was feeling so drowsy. What else can possibly go wrong for me today.

While cycling the last part of my journey home I saw someone stading in a doorway that vaguely know so I was going to say hello as I cycled by. He was taking to someone on the pavement that I didn't recognise. This person then shouted out to me. I then recognised him. I've been going to the football every Saturday with him since about 1982. I don't recognise him but I recognise someone I've hardly saw. Must be these drugs playing havoc with my brain......what's left of my brain.


It appears RETROSPECTIVE is being removed from all new dictionaries from 1st January 2009 onwards. Seems a bit harsh as I can think of a few other words that are more deserving to be removed. Still, that's the decision the powers-that-be have made. Some words have to be removed to make way for new words. It's annoying that a good word like RETROSPECTIVE has to make way for CHAV.

I'll need to start taking more pictures

Just a note to myself (well, there's only me and two other people read this blog) to start taking more pictures with my mobile phone.

Becoming more organised via the internet

I've definitely become a lot more net organised now.
Most of my favourites are stored at Yahoo so I can access them via any computer. My Hotmail account I've now organised into various folders. It's a pity I never noticed the bit about "sent e-mails" being deleted after 30 days. My banking is done online now and I've also added Abbey National. I can view previous Gas bills on the net now (though there's not much use for that). My phone bills also I can view online - there is a use for that. My Tax Returns are filed online now.....and my bank balance isn't as healthy as I thought as there's a tax bill to be paid at theend of July.
Just wish I could get my flat tidier via the net.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Hottest day of the year - so guess what I bought???????

This has been copied from SA-UK where my dodgy shoulder hasn't been mentioned before in case you're wondering why I mnetion it in this post despite mentioning it a few times already on my blog.

It must be the hottest day of the year where I'm living (Burns Country) and I've just bought a hot water bottle out of the chemists. I have a dodgy shoulder just now - which means I haven't slept since Wednesday because of the pain. Went to the docs today and she gave me a prescription for some drugs. She also told me some heat on the shoulder might do some good - she suggested a hot water bottle. I had no intention of getting one - I was intending scalding the shoulder on a kettle. But as I was wandering about aimlessly in the chemist while waiting for my prescription - as you do, otherwise you look as though you're about to rob the place this hot water bottle whispered gently in my ear "Buy me". I thought it was the sleep depravation at first but then the bottle started waving at me and saying "look - over here - buy me". I know I've just turned 40 but hot water bottles, slippers - what's next - a walking stick.

The last thing I needed

The last thing I needed when I have this bad shoulder is to slip on some wet tiles. I was down at a chip shop picking up some invoices and the lassie was outside cleaning the tiles. I stretched my foot to avoid stepping twice on the tiles and slipped. The chip shop owner looked up at that point to see me in pain. If I lived in the USA I'd have sued him. I didn't fall or anything like that - it's just that I can do without sudden movements.

My cheapo drugs

Click on the picture for the larger size version

Well my shoulder's been buggered since about Wednesday. It wasn't until Saturday that I decided to get some drugs to help myself. I had tried using 5 years out of date Co-proxomal on the Friday night (against the advice of one of my blog readers - there are two of you out there).
So I've bought some Ibuprofen, Paracetamol and Dextrose Energy - although the latter are basically just sweets.....or at least I treat them as sweets.
I never knew drugs were so cheap nowadays - certainly a lot cheaper than the guy that used to live below me sold them for.
But it looks as though I may have to give in and see the doc tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

My birthday potato

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Money's tight in this household so I couldn't afford a birthday cake. A birthday potato had to suffiice.