Monday, April 23, 2012

My weight - I've now lost three stone since starting this weight loss regime. It isn't so much a diet - I'm just watching what I eat now. Before I just crammed food in and didn't think of the consequences.
I've bought another "temporary" computer. The last one lasted 2¾ years. As I now have two computers on the go at the same time all my stuff is now shifted back into the bedroom where I will be doing most of my work now. No doubt the living room computer will be replaced and I move back in there. I don't know why I just can't stick to the one room. Maybe if things really were wireless I would be able to.

It's a great feeling having a new computer where everything is fast. It's there in an instant. No longer having to wait and wait and wait. I realise just how slow the other computer is while working with both at the same time.

I know this feeling won't last. Only three or four days and I've piled on program after program. Soon it will be slow.