Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Did you miss me?

Bugger me - it's been over a year since I last posted on here.
Currently on a drive to cut my weight. So far it's working.. I've lost 5½ kgs in the last 8 days. I don't usually talk in kgs but the app I was using wants the figure in kgs. I have a 5kg bag of sugar and that has been a major incentive for me in future to lose weight - knowing that I'm carrying all this extra weight around for no reason. I'm probably not doing things correctly as I'm more than likely losing too much weight at once - but I'm still eating more than an average person.

I take a note of everything I eat over the course of a day. Even count the teaspoons of sugar I use. I don';t count the coffee as there isn't any calories in that. Nor do I count the milk each time - I just use an average figure of 160 calories for milk over the course of a day.

Previously I was drinking 6 or 7 cups of coffee at least per day with 2½ teaspoons of sugar per cup. I'm now down to 2 or 3 cups a day with only 1 teaspoon of sugar. According to my 5kg bag of sugar there are 16 calories in a teaspoon of sugar so before it would be

Per day - 15 teaspoons, 240 calories
Per week - 105 teaspoons, 1680 calories

Now it is

Per day - 3 teaspoons, 48 calories
Per week - 21 teaspoons, 336 calories

That's quite a difference over the week.