Friday, November 04, 2005

milk cartons and cup a soups

Leaking milk cartons
I’m mightily pissed off again. Milk cartons this time. I bought four pints on Wednesday night. I’d only drank half of that and tonight I bought two 6 pint cartons. The space in my fridge for keeping them upright can only contain two cartons. So one has to go on it’s side. I thought I’d try the four pint container. I go back half an hour later and see milk on the fridge floor. Well, now it’s one of the six pint containers that’s on it’s side. I’ll see if it’s any better.

Chicken cup a soups
They’re now making Bachelor’s Cup a Soup in jars. So I can put as much powder in a cup as I want – making it thicker than when using the sachets.


Anonymous said...

was the leaking milk carton previously opened by you?? Why on earth do you need so much milk?? 2 pints will last me all week- some weeks I don't drink it at all. Are you like my mum? She would have a near fit if she was about to run out of milk - or bread for that matter.... only 2 slices of bread left--- OH NO! Get to the shop quick!! I ate all the bread once - I was in BIG trouble.
cup -a -soups are vile! I know what you'll do with them jars - you'll put too much powder in - drink the soup and get a mouth full of congealed (is that how you spell it?) claggy (is that a word?) clumpy soup lump at the end!!

Anonymous said...

was the leaking milk carton previously opened by you?? Why on earth do you need so much milk?? 2 pints will last me all week- some weeks I don't drink it at all. Are you like my mum? She would have a near fit if she was about to run out of milk - or bread for that matter.... only 2 slices of bread left--- OH NO! Get to the shop quick!! I ate all the bread once - I was in BIG trouble.
cup -a -soups are vile! I know what you'll do with them jars - you'll put too much powder in - drink the soup and get a mouth full of congealed (is that how you spell it?) claggy (is that a word?) clumpy soup lump at the end!!