I've spent more on apps for my iphone in the last three months than I have on clothes in an entire year.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
£12 worth of clothes in a year
Just been reviewing my spending for 2010 and realised I spent the grand total of £12 on clothes (which includes shoes I never bought). That £12 was spent back on the 31st January 2010. I bought two packs of socks for £3 each and "Mens Swea" for £6 - I have no idea what that is. I tgought it might be a sweatshirt but I don't remember buying that. And let's face it, if it's the only item of clothes I've bought in a year I should remember. I do remember buying a pack of two tee shirts but not sure when. It must have been that.
Monday, December 20, 2010
The MOT's on my car
Below are the dates of the MOT's on my car with the miles driven in brackets)
01 Sep 2008 28711 miles (4140 miles driven)
01 Sep 2009 31190 miles (2479 miles driven)
30 Aug 2010 32524 miles (1334 miles driven)
Today 32784 miles (260 miles since last MOT)
So in the three and a bit years I've had the car I've managed to drive 8213 miles.
And I still haven't reversed parked in a car park or reversed parked in between two cars.
Sunday, December 05, 2010
My spending in 2010 so far
Well, the year is near the end so I'll see how much I've spent.
£996.16 (of which I have spent £138.18 buying 357.632 litres of milk)
£12.00 Yes, I have gone a whole year and only spent £12.00 on clothes). Which was likely socks and maybe a tee shirt or two from Asda.
Car expenses
I spent £195.11 putting 166.52 litres of petrol in my car.
£454.42 was spent on the annual service and MOT
£64.63 on an electrical fault
£58.75 replacing the tyre I destroyed by driving 3 miles using a totally flat tyre. I was convinced the erratic nature of my driving was due to the snow. Lesson learned.
£215.00 was spent on road tax.
£398.28 was spent on car insurance. There is one more payment to make in December of £44.24
Council Tax
Credit card interest
£396.28 - I fear this will be more next year
£30.24 I stopped buying the magazine I bought each fortnight when the shop changed into a mobile phone repair shop.
£203.12 Mostly on stuff bought and then put away in a drawer never to be used again
£118.25 I stopped buying two weekly newspapers (see magazines above)
£755.59 Contract with Orange upped to £45 a month
TV Licence
£363.07 VT Transaction Plus and Payroll Manager 100
Bookkeeping course
Monday, October 18, 2010
The long pause
I'm getting irritated by the extra long pauses in reality tv shows. All of them have it. It's boring. Think up something new.
Over six years
I can't believe I've had this blog for over six years now. First started writing in May 2004. I'm still writing the same drivel nearly six and a half years later. Except this time I'm posting photographic drivel as well.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Living room of my flat
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Account dates
I'm constantly counting down to various account dates.
The 8th of the month is when I get my MBNA credit card statement. So I'm usually checking online to see if it has changed to a new month. I get to see how much interest I am charged for the month.
Last month I was charged £6.65. Most of my bill was a balance transfer so I'm interest free on that portion until March 2011.
The 15th is when my Orange mobile bill changes to a new month. I just found out I am being charged £3.50 a month extra because I don't pay by direct debit.
Phone calls : 1 min 50 secs
Photo texts : 5
Texts : 196
Data : 935.483MB
The 20th is my Mastercard credit card statement. £20.72 interest last month on that one so I can expect about £25 this time.
Friday, October 01, 2010
First mobile phone

This was a picture I took on my first mobile phone. Computer later gave up after lightning knocked out the power. Monitor just gave up. And the printer - well, there have been a few since that one.
This was from March 2005 when I got the Motorola V500.
Martina Hingis

Now why is this picture of Martina Hingis here?
Well I have this on a small sticker in my kitchen and couldn't for the life of me remember her name. Well, now I can after reading through my blog from years ago. That is some expression on her face.
New Iphone
I have a new Iphone. I may go and look back through this blog coz I'm sure when I started this blog I never even owned a mobile phone.
What I don't like about the Iphone is I can't just bluetooth any pictures and files onto my computer I have to connect it up via the USB cable. Which then fires up Itunes which then drains all the power from my computer.
And another thing - the picture quality is TOO good. I took some pictures at work today and even just using the screen on the iphone I was able to read the postit notes stuck on the wall quite some distance away. That'll be a first, complaining abuout the quality being too good.
04/11/09 ??
11/09/09 34669
18/09/09 34763 (94 units in week) cost £ 4.86
25/09/09 34857 (94 units in week) cost £11.97
02/10/09 34943 (86 units in week) cost £11.03
09/10/09 35026 (83 units in week) cost £10.67
Total cost since last electricity bill £38.53
Payments made by direct debit since last bill - nil
I'm making a real effort in the last couple of weeks to cut down on electricity.
Cost per unit : £0.11293
Standing charge per day : £0.11270
04/11/09 ??
11/09/09 34669
18/09/09 34763 (94 units in week) cost £ 4.86
25/09/09 34857 (94 units in week) cost £11.97
02/10/09 34943 (86 units in week) cost £11.03
09/10/09 35026 (83 units in week) cost £10.67
Total cost since last electricity bill £38.53
Payments made by direct debit since last bill - nil
I'm making a real effort in the last couple of weeks to cut down on electricity.
Cost per unit : £0.11293
Standing charge per day : £0.11270
The funny thing a year on from writing that is I've cut down on my electricity even more. Probably helped by my refusal to get the satellite fixed for weeks now so I'm not using three tv's at once all showing the same thing. I think I may be in for a record breaking week. Last week's 59 units of electricity was the lowest amount "since records began" - but this week I have used 1 unit less. I have used the exact same units each day as the previous week apart from the Wednesday when I used 1 less unit. 8-8-10-8-9-7 (total so far 50 units).
The cost per unit and standing charge is the same as it was a year ago.
Largs completely cut off
I just realised that last week's flooding cut Largs off from the rest of the travelling world fo some time last week. The road to Kilbirnie was cut off at the Haylie Brae. The road going towards Fairlie was cut off at the Pier Garage with the flooding there. The road to Skelmorlie was cut off.
The rail line was shut down after a wall collapsed on top of it. Just sheer luck I decided not to go to Fairlie last Wednesday as I normally do - though I'd have buggered off pretty sharply as soon as the thunder and lightning started so I probably would have got out before everything was cut off.
Seems there may be damage to the "bridge" between Largs and Fairlie as traffic lights are in use so only one line of traffic can go by at a time.
And to think I just thought it was a little bit of rain.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wow - a year since I last posted
Is it really a year since I last posted on here.
I think I may return and post more drivel.
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