Thursday, June 10, 2004

Unknown scar

Last night I went to bed at 2:45am. Just before going to bed I went to the toilet - it was surprisingly the first time I'd been to the toilet since getting in from work and I noticed a 1½" scar above my eye. I have no idea how it got there. I didn't feel any pain until after I knew the scar was there. How am I so sure that this was the first time I had been at the toilet since getting in from work? Well, before going to work I put bleach down the toilet and to remind myself of this fact I left the bleach bottle on the toilet seat/lid and it was still there at 2:45am.


Anonymous said...

kidney failure? amnesia? and when did scars become painful?

theesel1994 said...

The scar only became painful after I noticed it. It is annoying me as whenever I meet anyone the first thing they ask is how I got the scar and I have to reply "I don't know". Maybe I should start telling some elaborate lie as to how it got there.