Friday, March 04, 2005

Nathan Barley

Is this funny or not?

Well, sometimes it's funny.....sometimes it just makes you cringe. A bit like "The Office" (if the Office was funny). I missed the first half of the show tonight so didn't know what the hell it was about and I was just about pissing myself laughing. Maybe that is the trick. Just watch the second half of the show......and then maybe watch the first half when it's repeated later.

Time to shave my head I think. And shave the moss off my face as well. I'm sick of having a Chris Moyles face when I smile.

I've found out the mysterious beeping noise I was hearing (see the post below) WAS coming from my phone. I found out while cycling home and heard the beeping noise coming from my pocket and couldn't blame anything else. Don't know why it's beeping. It doesn't tell me these things.

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