Saturday, September 24, 2005

Stupid dreams

I just spent ages trying to explain a dream I had but had to delete it because it was pointless. Who wants to know about my dreams anyway. Believe me, this dream was so boring you really don’t want to know about it. It basically involved a three year old girl doing a gymnastic move which was physically impossible in real life. It would have twisted the arms out of their sockets if she had succeeded in doing what she was trying. I was standing behind her and holding both her hands by her sides – and she was doing a move – the sort of thing you’d see a gymnast doing on parallel bars. But of the parallel bars she’d get to move her hands. In this dream I was holding them – hence why I said she would have twisted the arms out their sockets if it had been real life. So what does this dream mean all you dream analysts.

I’ve started singing into my computers microphone. My upstair neighbours have to put up arguing with myself – now they have to put up with my singing as well.

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