Sunday, September 04, 2005

Crazy woman with catalogue

I heard a commotion from outside my bedroom window so went to take a butchers and saw this woman ripping up a catalogue. I'd heard her earlier kicking the door to the next door block of flats. It isn't locked or anything - in fact I had to use it yesterday. Some git had locked the entrance to my block so I had to go in the next block, out their back door, in the back door to my block and then unlock the front door to my block.
I've no idea what the commotion was about. I did hear her screaming "You're just like your father".
So I stood at my bedroom window wearing just a pair of shorts as it's that feckin hot today and she notices me. She then comes over to my window and screams "what the fuck are you lookin at? Do you want a catalogue in all". (which I assume translates to - do you want some pages from ths catalogue I am ripping up and throwing about the street). So I says back to her "Oh shut up you stupid woman" but as I just spoke the words and my window was shut she would have heard them. She then proceeded to throw the catalogue in the general direction of my bedroom window - which would almost certainly have smashed as they are ancient and it was a thick catalogue. In fact, the fact it was a thick catalogue is probably why it didn't reach up to my window. I left her shouting profanities at me and came away from the window. I wish I still had my CCTV camera pointing out into the street. Maybe I'll go and set it up again. I hope she flips again. Nothing better than listening to a drunken crazy woman.
Funny smell
There is a funny smell emanating from me just now. It isn't an unwashed smell. It's kind of similar to when you have a bucket load to drink one night and the nextr day the drink seems to leak out every pore in your body. Only I didn't have a bucket load to drink last night.

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