Sunday, July 06, 2008

Programme editor

Seems as though I now find myself with the dubious honour of being my football clubs programme editor next season. In my role as Treasurer (I was appointed this last year around this time) I pointed out we couldn't continue making a loss on each sale of the programme. The income is mostly made in the advertising but we should also make some money on each sale. I suggested buying a photocopier and printing the programme ourselves. I wasn't expecting to be lumbered with the task of programme editor. Unfortunately we can't buy a photocopier until we get some money in. Sponsorship won't be available until 14th July. Advertising - invoices have been sent out to those that have agreed to renew but they seem reluctant to pay.

We are getting a new portacabin. The current one is too small. We use it as a committee room and small hospitality bar. So we are picking up another one on Thursday. It needs a fair bit of work done on it. Lucky we have a couple of Joiners that play for the team. I wonder if they know they will be drafted in to work on it.

Seems strange that I managed to avoid being on the committee for so long. I was first asked in 1991. And now I find myself with two jobs.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Must remember

I must remember that I have removed the back from my computer chair. I don't want to be leaning back in it while wearing my bathrobe and falling over and looking a right twat for anyone looking in my bedroom window.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Wireless connection

I'm really baffled now.

Before my wireless adapter thing was hanging over a door on a special extending USB cable - not an ordinary USB cable. I was getting a signal strength of Low Speed 24.0Mbps.

I then moved it - to a position where there was a direct line of sight between it and the wireless access point. Now I'm getting a signal strength of Very Low and a speed of 1.0Mbps.

I just don't know what to make of it.

Peacock dreams.

Edit : It's now at 12.0Mbps although it did go to 54.0Mbps. What the hell can be affectinh it when there is a direct line of sight.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

BBC NEWS | Magazine | The strange decline of the paperboy

BBC NEWS Magazine The strange decline of the paperboy

I have great memories of being a paperboy. I did it every weekday morning and then every second weekend. One run meant I had to cross a railway line. Actually - it didn't I was meant to go the long way round, but what would you do - walk 50 yards and across a railway line or walk half a mile to where the road goes over the railway line.

One other experience was delivering early in the morning - a dark, cold winter's morning. I was wearing a "Mod" parka with the hood up. Delivering to a tenement building I was just about to open up the letter box when the door opened. The young woman that came out just saw this dark shadowy type figure standing at her door and ran back inside screaming. She was phoning the police. I was shouting back at her through the letterbox "It's only the paper boy". She later gave me a C120 cassettee as a present for scaring ME. This was a big deal for me in those days as I had only ever used C60 and C90 cassettes. I've still got the cassette to this day.

I've just realised something - I have an old record player/cassette player/cd player. I was about to throw it out. But I'm not sure if I'd have anything left to play all my cassettes on (shows the last time actually played them).

There were two rival newspaper shops in the village I grew up in. Whener the other lot got a pay rise our shop would up theirs to just a little bit more. He'd take all the paperboys (can't remember any paper girls in my time) to the cinema once a year for a treat. Nowadays he might be seen as a pedo for doing that.

At Christmas time any tips we were given went into a box on the shop counter. All the tips would be added up, the shop owner would add the same amount again and then the total shared amongst all the paperboys.

4 years of crap

Just noticed I've been writing drivel on this blog for four years now.

Bought another computer

I decided to buy another computer tonight. Well I decided the night before but someone beat me in that auction. My main computer keeps switching itself off. Normally I change computers every four years. I will spend a lot of dosh getting the most up to date one I can afford. The last one had tv and remote control - unfortunately I never got to use it. Every time I but a computer there is aways something I buy thinking I'll use it in the future but never actually get to use it for one reason or another.

So this new one (second hand actually on Ebay) will just be for surfing the net and emails. watching BBC programs on their iplayer thing which my other computer just switches itself off whenever I suggest it.

I have this computer (the one I am sat at now) for doing my work (spreadsheets etc). Another one for a website I haven't updated in over 2 years. A laptop for taking to the football committee meetings to explain the finances better. There is another computer I have kept - I know not why. I must have upgraded for a reason so why keep the old one.

I've also 6 CRT monitors that haven't been used in two years. Another flat screen one that hjasn't been used. This CRT one I am at just now and the flat screen one in my living room. I should ban myself from Ebay.

My healthy meal

I'm just about to tuck into the following meal.

Start off with some pasta shells and dump them in a big pot after they've been boiled and all that. Add some salad cream and stir it about. Add a large tin of tuna chunks. Add some more salad cream and stir again. Add some sweetcorn. Add two tins of pork luncheon meat cut up into tiny cubes. Add some more salad cream and stir about. Finally chop up some celery and add that. Oh, and you might as well add some more salad cream and stir the whole lot about.

Measure into two large bowls and have one of them at 1am which you know you will never finish. Have the remains for breakfast - which will be about 11am as your bed is just too warm to leave in the morning. Then have the second bowl tomorrow evening.

Can you tell I live alone?

Saturday, May 31, 2008


I've had no satelite tv since a storm on January 9th or 10th knocked my satelite dish off a little. Now the aerial (sp?) has gone the same way. No TV at all now. Can't afford to get the satelite dish fixed. No way of getting up to it and doing it myself. So I'm fucked. Still - at least it means I'll miss Big Brother so that's one consolation.

Wireless internet connection

Wirelessly connect your computers together. Well my bedroom computer is connected wirelessly - unfortunately the dongle thingy is attached to a special USB cable that is a few metres long and trails across my table across my bed and hangs over the bedroom so so I can't shut it properly.

Mileage since I bought my car

I bought my car on 12th September 2007 so in all of 2007 I drove a massive total of 1691 miles (110 days).

Up to 30th May 2008 I have driven 1845 miles (150 days).

So my car has shifted 3536 miles in the 260 days I have had it.

I know what you're thinking - get a life you sad bastard

Friday, May 30, 2008

And in 2008 the petrol cost.....

23 Jan 2008 14.59 102.9 15.01
13 Feb 2008 19.44 102.9 20.00
29 Feb 2008 14.44 103.9 15.00
18 Mar 2008 14.17 105.9 15.01
30 Mar 2008 14.20 105.9 15.04
11 Apr 2008 28.38 105.9 30.05
24 Apr 2008 30.23 107.9 32.62
30 Apr 2008 39.10 115.9 45.32
23 May 2008 35.12 113.9 40.00
27 May 2008 25.02 119.9 30.00

Petrol prices

When I bought my car in September 2007 the petrol was 91.9p per litre.

02 Sep 2007 16.33 91.9 15.01
29 Sep 2007 32.64 91.9 30.00
25 Oct 2007 19.45 102.9 20.01
31 Oct 2007 15.03 99.9 15.01
08 Nov 2007 30.05 99.9 30.02
22 Nov 2007 35.70 100.9 36.02
01 Dec 2007 32.72 103.9 34.00
19 Dec 2007 14.73 101.9 15.01
24 Dec 2007 34.27 101.9 34.92
26 Dec 2007 34.03 106.9 36.38

In the above it is
pence per litre
Amount paid

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Band meeting

I think I'm going doolally.

All day and now most of the night I have been randomly shouting out "Band Meeting". I heard Zane Lowe saying it once on Radio One and Edith Bowman keeps on playing the clip. It's driving me nuts. It's out my mouth before I can stop it.

It's almost tourettes syndrome like.

Wireless thingummyjig

This is bloody weird.
I keep getting told that my wireless connection might not work because of the number of walls between computers. Yet, the computer in my bedroom will only connect to the internet via the router when the door to my bedroom is shut and the door to my living room is also shut.

Ok - I lied about the miles

Having looked at the miles it appears I do travel more than 20 or 30 miles per week.
This week will be another whopper as I travelled down to England again to meet someone. She reads this blog so I better not say anything about it.

Here's what I wrote elsewhere about it.
I drove back from meeting xxxxxxxxxxxxxx today. After dropping her off at her work I drove a short distance on the motorway and had a major panic attack. I thought I was having a stroke. Most of the left side of my body went numb. I could hardly breathe. I was shaking and both my hands were left tingling. I was stopping at Lancaster after half an hour driving anyway but it took a while to get over it.

I don't particularly like other people being in the car when I don't know where I am going. I've not been driving long and the only time I go on the motorway is the few occasions I visit xxxxxxxxxxxxxx . On the way down it's ok as I drive for over half an hour on normal roads before joining the motorway but on the way back up I'm straight onto the motorway and then changing directions quite a lot for the first few miles.

My driving isn't helped by ignorant lorry drivers. A lot of the time they will drive in the middle lane - not overtaking other lorries just driving alongside them for miles. Today I was in the middle lane and cars were zooming by me on the outside lane. All of a sudden a lorry from the inside lane indicates he's pulling ino my lane and I've nowhere to go.

Also why do some cars overtake me on the outside lane, pull into the middle lane where I am overtaking lorries on the inside lane and then the car will slow down causing me to brake. There should be no need to be using brakes on a motorway. Go in the lane appropriate to your speed.

What has happened since I was last here?

Well, going by the last video I think the most important thing to have happened is I've passed my driving test. At the second attempt.

I rarely go more than 20 or 30 miles a week apart from a couple of times I travel down to England.

01 Jan 2008 26262 04 Jan 2008 26276 3 14
04 Jan 2008 26276 11 Jan 2008 26302 7 26
11 Jan 2008 26302 18 Jan 2008 26355 7 53
18 Jan 2008 26355 25 Jan 2008 26379 7 24
25 Jan 2008 26379 01 Feb 2008 26404 7 25
01 Feb 2008 26404 08 Feb 2008 26428 7 24
08 Feb 2008 26428 15 Feb 2008 26461 7 33
15 Feb 2008 26461 22 Feb 2008 26517 7 56
22 Feb 2008 26517 29 Feb 2008 26569 7 52
29 Feb 2008 26569 07 Mar 2008 26602 7 33
07 Mar 2008 26602 14 Mar 2008 26651 7 49
14 Mar 2008 26651 21 Mar 2008 26711 7 60
21 Mar 2008 26711 28 Mar 2008 26737 7 26
28 Mar 2008 26737 04 Apr 2008 26813 7 76
04 Apr 2008 26813 11 Apr 2008 26844 7 31
11 Apr 2008 26844 18 Apr 2008 26871 7 27
18 Apr 2008 26871 25 Apr 2008 26953 7 82
25 Apr 2008 26953 02 May 2008 27513 7 560
02 May 2008 27513 09 May 2008 27539 7 26
09 May 2008 27539 16 May 2008 27570 7 31
16 May 2008 27570 23 May 2008 27619 7 49

I've just spent all this time formatting this and Blogger goes and ignores all the formatting. Thanks for nothing.

For anyone interested :
Column 1 Date at start of week
Column 2 Miles at start of week
Column 3 Date at end of week
Column 4 Miles at end of week
Column 5 Days in week (*)
Column 6 Miles driven in week

(*) obviously most weeks this is going to be 7 days but the first week and last week will be different.

Not been here for a while

It's been quite a while since I was last here - so first off I'll need to remind mtself of something


Obviously this isn't the address and I hope this isn't someone's email address