Monday, June 06, 2005

Hottest day of the year - so guess what I bought???????

This has been copied from SA-UK where my dodgy shoulder hasn't been mentioned before in case you're wondering why I mnetion it in this post despite mentioning it a few times already on my blog.

It must be the hottest day of the year where I'm living (Burns Country) and I've just bought a hot water bottle out of the chemists. I have a dodgy shoulder just now - which means I haven't slept since Wednesday because of the pain. Went to the docs today and she gave me a prescription for some drugs. She also told me some heat on the shoulder might do some good - she suggested a hot water bottle. I had no intention of getting one - I was intending scalding the shoulder on a kettle. But as I was wandering about aimlessly in the chemist while waiting for my prescription - as you do, otherwise you look as though you're about to rob the place this hot water bottle whispered gently in my ear "Buy me". I thought it was the sleep depravation at first but then the bottle started waving at me and saying "look - over here - buy me". I know I've just turned 40 but hot water bottles, slippers - what's next - a walking stick.

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