Sunday, August 07, 2005

Aren't thumbs great?

Just been lying in bed thinking about how great thumbs are. Just think how often you use them. Tying your shoelaces.....holding a spoon or a fork or knife. Holding a screwdriver. It's much better than a willy - it doesn't have a mind of its own. God, how embarassing would that be? Sitting on a train and your thumb suddenly does erect. Looking like some stupid seventies kids tv presenter. Although if a thumb was used instead of a willy it could be handy. I could pee round corners and run away. Oh wait, I used to suck my thumb as a child. That's not right. Although it would be handy when I was older. Shit, when I was lying in my bed this was a serious thought to me - now look what's happened to it. I could write my name in the snow with greater accuracy than at present.
A thumb is only good when used in conjunction with your other fingers. What purpose would a willy serve if the thumb was to take over its functions. None - get rid of it. Bloody stupid looking thing anyway.

1 comment:

theesel1994 said...

Anyway, I like willies, they look nic to me :D
You don't have to live with them 24 hours a day.