Saturday, April 30, 2005
Leaving washing in the washing machine too long
I hate this. I'll do a washing and then forget all about it. When it comes out of the washing machine a couple of days later there is that funny smell to it. It isn't nasty but it ain't nice either. And you can't even bung the stuff back in again as the smell won't go away - you have to dry the stuff first and then wash it again. Most of the time I don't actually forget about it I'm just too lazy to take it out. Or more to the point - I say to myself - I'll get it later.
Keeping the blog anonymouse
Why is it I can write anything on my blog that people I don't know can read - and online forums where I have revealed some things about me that I would never reveal even to my family? I mean I would never tell anyone in the real world about this blog. I do get worried that someone may search on my e-mail address and find this blog. Even though the e-mail address doesn't give my name, put together with other things it actually does. In case anyone cares, theesel1994 relates to a semi-professional football team I support and the year of their greatest achievement in over a century of playing football. They have another important game on Monday night - a win and they win promotion out of this godforesaken league and if another team also playing that night fails to win then they are league champions.
Most amusing tonight seeing fireworks going off. A kind of "fuck you" to the police. Let me explain. Every time Celtic get beat there are fireworks let off in a street nearby in the town I live. It is quite a substantial amount of fireworks. It is more of an annoyance to those nearby than anything else. Until a couple of weeks ago that is. Celtic had been beaten by Hearts and the fireworks went off as usual an hour or so later. But later on that evening it was announce on TV the Pope had died. Within a couple of minutes there was a second firework display of the night. The following weeks local newspaper had the front page displaying outrage at this. It has been suggested that the police were set to trap those responsible had Rangers beat Celtic last Sunday but it wasn't to be. So tonight was a kind of "fuck you" to the police. Everyone in town knows who is responsible but it's just a case of catching them in the act. The funny thing is it isn't kids - one of them is 45 years old.
Most amusing tonight seeing fireworks going off. A kind of "fuck you" to the police. Let me explain. Every time Celtic get beat there are fireworks let off in a street nearby in the town I live. It is quite a substantial amount of fireworks. It is more of an annoyance to those nearby than anything else. Until a couple of weeks ago that is. Celtic had been beaten by Hearts and the fireworks went off as usual an hour or so later. But later on that evening it was announce on TV the Pope had died. Within a couple of minutes there was a second firework display of the night. The following weeks local newspaper had the front page displaying outrage at this. It has been suggested that the police were set to trap those responsible had Rangers beat Celtic last Sunday but it wasn't to be. So tonight was a kind of "fuck you" to the police. Everyone in town knows who is responsible but it's just a case of catching them in the act. The funny thing is it isn't kids - one of them is 45 years old.
Cow crossing a stream (again)
The cow was crossing the stream in the opposite direction this time. By the time I cycled by it was in the middle of the stream again but unfortunately the battery had died on my mobile phone so I couldn't take a picture.
Nobody ever phones me on my mobile. I never phone anybody. The only thing I use the thing for is to receive e-mails from a football mailing list and to take stupid pictures of cows crossing streams.
Anyway, 24 hours and all the cow has done is change direction and munch grass. I wish I was a cow.
Mobile phone batteires
How come the battery for my mobile phone lasts for a few days with constant use, is quite small and I can recharge it. Yet I need four large batteries for my digital camera, I hardly actually USE the camera and they only last a couple of hours.
Spam out of control
God I'm pissed off at every week having to delete around 2000 e-mails because they are just spam.
Nobody ever phones me on my mobile. I never phone anybody. The only thing I use the thing for is to receive e-mails from a football mailing list and to take stupid pictures of cows crossing streams.
Anyway, 24 hours and all the cow has done is change direction and munch grass. I wish I was a cow.
Mobile phone batteires
How come the battery for my mobile phone lasts for a few days with constant use, is quite small and I can recharge it. Yet I need four large batteries for my digital camera, I hardly actually USE the camera and they only last a couple of hours.
Spam out of control
God I'm pissed off at every week having to delete around 2000 e-mails because they are just spam.
Friday, April 29, 2005
Missing blog
This is the blog I was having trouble finding. I forgot I could look through the history of sites I've visited in my browser.
This is the blog I was having trouble finding. I forgot I could look through the history of sites I've visited in my browser.
How can you find a blog
I clicked on the "Next Blog" link at the top right of the page and found an interesting blog. I made a comment on that blog and intending creating a link to it. But when I came back here to try and find the blog again it was a different blog.
I think the person had Jootatstic or Joostastic in the place where I have "Fat and Bald" - I think her name may have been Julie.
Anyways - if Julie decided to see what loon was writing offensive comments on her blog and visited this blog - could you leave a comment to say where your original blog was as I only read a couple of posts and didn't get round to reading the rest.
I say the blog was written by someone called Julie - for all I know it could have been written by a 54 year old lorry driver from Cambuslang. Maybe Julie is a 54 year old lorry driver from Cambuslang....nah, I'm sure she said she was 25. She could be lying.

I wonder if that'll work......oly one way to find out. Hit the preview button fatty.
Just had a quick look through my blog - there's no way Julie would reveal the address of her blog to the lunatic that writes this one. Christ, how many people post pictures of their meals on a blog. Or ppost their shopping receipts. Just wait until I start scanning some of the photos that my mother gave me recently from my childhood.
I think the person had Jootatstic or Joostastic in the place where I have "Fat and Bald" - I think her name may have been Julie.
Anyways - if Julie decided to see what loon was writing offensive comments on her blog and visited this blog - could you leave a comment to say where your original blog was as I only read a couple of posts and didn't get round to reading the rest.
I say the blog was written by someone called Julie - for all I know it could have been written by a 54 year old lorry driver from Cambuslang. Maybe Julie is a 54 year old lorry driver from Cambuslang....nah, I'm sure she said she was 25. She could be lying.

I wonder if that'll work......oly one way to find out. Hit the preview button fatty.
Just had a quick look through my blog - there's no way Julie would reveal the address of her blog to the lunatic that writes this one. Christ, how many people post pictures of their meals on a blog. Or ppost their shopping receipts. Just wait until I start scanning some of the photos that my mother gave me recently from my childhood.

Cows crossing a stream.
I was cycling home and saw this. One cow was in the middle of the stream but by the time I had stopped my bike, turned round and cycled back it was over the other side. You ought to have seen the dirty look it was giving me for taking the picture. (Or maybe I just imagined that bit). Anyway, the calves were shitebags and didn't venture across. Hey you stupid dumbfucks - what is that down the bottom of the picture. Yes, it's a bridge and guess what that is used for. Jesus cows are sooooooooo fecking dumb.
Why do I always forget what I'm going to write on my blog
Every day this seems to happen to me. I'll think of something interesting to write on my blog but by the time I get home it will be gone from my brain and instead I just end up writing drivel.
1 hour 22 minutes fast
There are times in the past where my bedside clock has been maybe 10 minutes fast. I will know it is 10 minutes fast and I will subtract the 10 minutes from the time on the clock. It's a kind of psychological thing. At the moment the clock is 1 hour 22 minutes fast. The power in my flat went off and I can't be arsed changing the time on the clock. Funny thing when the power goes off as when the power returns a second or so later my phone starts speaking to me saying it is resetting something or other, the printers start up again, the fax machine spews out a paper saying there has been a power interruption (at a time and date which has no relevance to the actual time).
Finally got the VAT return done
Took it down to the person I was doing the return for. He was in company of a few other people and he said to me jokingly "just tear it up". Usually he asks how much it is and regardless of what I say he will always ask "as much as that?" Funny thing is it was only about £4 more than the last time.....usually there a a few thousand pounds of a difference.
I don't think they charge me for e-mails on my mobile
I've been sending and receiving e-mails on my phone almost right from the start. I haven't been charged for any yet. I'm on "pay as you go". Someone said to me you get the first month free but I've had the phone for over a month now and I'm still getting them free. Having said that, knowing my luck by tomorrow they'll have started charging me for them.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
I'm still hungry
So I've eaten the lovely meal pictured below but I'm still hungry. Many digestive biscuits have been munched but my stomach still cries out for more food. A bowl of cornflakes (at 1:30am for fecks sake) - not enough. Oh yeah, and another thing, that fecking VAT Return has still not been done yet. Think I'll go off for a shower soon. That should help me get to sleep. Not!!!
Crazy dreams
Another crazy dream - this time I was walking through the putting green in my old village. Their was a group of youngsters milling about at the tennis pavillion looking at me. I was having difficulty in walking, in fact, I was having to dig a stick into the ground and then drag myself towards the stick in order to move forwards. When I passed by this group a couple of them started throwing objects at me. Funny thing is that someone then described to me how many objects were thrown and on whcih part of my body they struck me.
Photos from my youth
I had my mother search for a photo of me as a kid today but she couldn't find it. She is going on holiday (later on this morning) so the last thing she wanted to hear was I was lookng for a particular photo. She gave me a bundle of photos to go through and see if it was amongst them - it wasn't. Also not there is a photo of me when I took my meal into the middle of the field behind our house - I was in the huff with my parents. Our house - I haven't lived there for 16 years now. I thnk I'll scan some of the photos and post them here. Strange seeing some buildings that have since been knocked down. Also strange is a photo taken down the beach in my old village. There are quite a few people playing there or in swimming. I'll always remember that - there used to be tons of people down the beach in summer. Now, there isn't anyone. Maybe just the odd person out for a walk. But before whole families would spend the whole afternoon there. Thgere would be people in the water with their inner tubes from truck tyres. God - they were great things.
Crazy dreams
Another crazy dream - this time I was walking through the putting green in my old village. Their was a group of youngsters milling about at the tennis pavillion looking at me. I was having difficulty in walking, in fact, I was having to dig a stick into the ground and then drag myself towards the stick in order to move forwards. When I passed by this group a couple of them started throwing objects at me. Funny thing is that someone then described to me how many objects were thrown and on whcih part of my body they struck me.
Photos from my youth
I had my mother search for a photo of me as a kid today but she couldn't find it. She is going on holiday (later on this morning) so the last thing she wanted to hear was I was lookng for a particular photo. She gave me a bundle of photos to go through and see if it was amongst them - it wasn't. Also not there is a photo of me when I took my meal into the middle of the field behind our house - I was in the huff with my parents. Our house - I haven't lived there for 16 years now. I thnk I'll scan some of the photos and post them here. Strange seeing some buildings that have since been knocked down. Also strange is a photo taken down the beach in my old village. There are quite a few people playing there or in swimming. I'll always remember that - there used to be tons of people down the beach in summer. Now, there isn't anyone. Maybe just the odd person out for a walk. But before whole families would spend the whole afternoon there. Thgere would be people in the water with their inner tubes from truck tyres. God - they were great things.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
In pain
I' m in a lot of pain. My neck is in absolute agony. When I have to look behind me I have to turn my whole body round. I near had a crash while out on my bike earlier as I couldn't turn right round and I kind of lost my balance.
Healthy eating
I just had the biggest salad meal in my life. It's meant to be healthy but the amount I stuffed down my throat can't be that healthy. What also can't be healthy is having your main meal of the day at midnight. Which reminds me - I've a VAT return to get finished before tomorrow morning. Christ - why do I leave these things so late. It's now 1:30am and I've been sat at this computer instead of sat at the other one getting the VAT return done.
Well I've now discovered how to use a photo here that I have hosted elsewhere - but I can only do it with small photos. Still, it is a lot easier than using that annoying program I have to use for uploading photies.

Haven't got round to eating this yet.
Healthy eating
I just had the biggest salad meal in my life. It's meant to be healthy but the amount I stuffed down my throat can't be that healthy. What also can't be healthy is having your main meal of the day at midnight. Which reminds me - I've a VAT return to get finished before tomorrow morning. Christ - why do I leave these things so late. It's now 1:30am and I've been sat at this computer instead of sat at the other one getting the VAT return done.
Well I've now discovered how to use a photo here that I have hosted elsewhere - but I can only do it with small photos. Still, it is a lot easier than using that annoying program I have to use for uploading photies.

Haven't got round to eating this yet.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Parents can be cruel at times.......
According to the date on the back of this picture I must have been 6 at the time. It was dated November 1971 so I can only assume it was a Halloween picture - I don't think I dressed like that all the time. I'm the one on the right. I have no idea what that thing is on my head. Maybe this is where my fascination I have for putting things on my head came from. My mother says she has a picture of me with about 8 different hats on my head one on top of the other sleeping in bed. The other two in the picture are my cousins.
I posted this elsewhere and the comment was made about my cousin in the middle looking like he was in the Ku Klus Klan - well, I actually think he is meant to be a ghost.
Monday, April 25, 2005
Saturday, April 23, 2005
SA-UK :: The Lounge :: My shopping receipt
SA-UK :: The Lounge :: My shopping receipt
A post I made on the SA-UK website but I probably should have made here instead. I could copy and paste the thing here but I'd have to re-upload the picture here using another program. I wish they'd invent another way of doing it.
A post I made on the SA-UK website but I probably should have made here instead. I could copy and paste the thing here but I'd have to re-upload the picture here using another program. I wish they'd invent another way of doing it.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Companies House
Well, Companies House has reduced its prices for finding out about Ltd companies. It used to be £5 for a copy of a companies balance sheet and noiw it's only £1. So I've been seeing just how much a few local businesses are actually worth. Unfortunately, some of them appear to be calling themselves Blah Blah Ltd when they are Ltd at all.Wonder if that's legal. I think I'll try and find out.
Friday, April 08, 2005
I think I've got the flu coming on
I feel lousy just now. Coffee tastes weird. I can't smell anything. My body feels generally week. I think I've got the flu coming on. Man flu. Real bad. I'll force myself to go to work tomorrow and I'll have to go to the football on Saturday - after that I'll just rest in bed.
I haven't taken any pictures on my mobile in ages now. I'll take my proper camera tomorrow as well as it shouldn't be dark by the time I come home. Princess Ann was in town on Wednesday. Luckily I missed her. I'm scared she might have known I had a dream about her - possibly about 15 years ago. I can't get the dream out my head. She ordered me to have sex with her or I'd have my head chopped off. Actually, she is the only member of the royal family I like. I've dreamt about Dot Cotton out of Eastenders. I had a brilliant dream about Gabriella Sabatini the Argentinian tennis player - then some bastard ouside in the street woke me up from my dream by his drunken shouting. What a complete and utter bastard. I was tempted to go outside and tell him I was just about to shag Gabby when he interupted.
I haven't taken any pictures on my mobile in ages now. I'll take my proper camera tomorrow as well as it shouldn't be dark by the time I come home. Princess Ann was in town on Wednesday. Luckily I missed her. I'm scared she might have known I had a dream about her - possibly about 15 years ago. I can't get the dream out my head. She ordered me to have sex with her or I'd have my head chopped off. Actually, she is the only member of the royal family I like. I've dreamt about Dot Cotton out of Eastenders. I had a brilliant dream about Gabriella Sabatini the Argentinian tennis player - then some bastard ouside in the street woke me up from my dream by his drunken shouting. What a complete and utter bastard. I was tempted to go outside and tell him I was just about to shag Gabby when he interupted.
Methinks my IPS has made a mistake
I've had a regrade of the broadband service I use. I was previously on 576,000bps and was told the new service would be twice this speed but for the same monthly fee. Well, I'm now on 2,272,000bps and according to the e-mail I got from them I'll still be paying the same price. I won't tell them if you don't.
I don't really notice much of a difference when surfing the web but my e-mails download in a blast and my porn, ehm, I mean music files, download in a blast.
Still having trouble breathing. Coughing and spluttering like an old man that smokes 40 cigarettes a day. I really will need to face away from the monitor when coughing.
My gas bill has come in and they owe me £5.44...but the buggers will just carry it forward to the next account. What else exciting has happened to me today......................................nah - can't think of anything. I found the leaflet that came with my first computer.
Compaq Presario 433
Intel 486sx/33 Processor
200MB Hard Disk Drive
Integrated SVGA 14" colour monitor
Software installed
MS-Dos 6
Microsoft Windows 3.1 (at least it never crashed on me once unlike "Fucking Windows 98" which crashes at least once a day)
Still got that computer. I think it cost £1100. The black and white printer I bought cost £320. Nowadays you can buy a scanner/photocopier/fax machine/colour printer for under £50.
I don't really notice much of a difference when surfing the web but my e-mails download in a blast and my porn, ehm, I mean music files, download in a blast.
Still having trouble breathing. Coughing and spluttering like an old man that smokes 40 cigarettes a day. I really will need to face away from the monitor when coughing.
My gas bill has come in and they owe me £5.44...but the buggers will just carry it forward to the next account. What else exciting has happened to me today......................................nah - can't think of anything. I found the leaflet that came with my first computer.
Compaq Presario 433
Intel 486sx/33 Processor
200MB Hard Disk Drive
Integrated SVGA 14" colour monitor
Software installed
MS-Dos 6
Microsoft Windows 3.1 (at least it never crashed on me once unlike "Fucking Windows 98" which crashes at least once a day)
Still got that computer. I think it cost £1100. The black and white printer I bought cost £320. Nowadays you can buy a scanner/photocopier/fax machine/colour printer for under £50.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Memories of Hampden Park
This dust in my throat has brought back memories of Scotland games at Hampden Park. We'd always make our way to "J Section"....more commonly known as "the Rangers end". It was covered, the "Celtic end" was uncovered. Even if our tickets were for the Celtic end we'd always make our way round to J Section by jumping the fences. Having looked at the size and type of fences back then I'd never be able to do it sober. They were quite tall with nasty spikes on top. But if you're drunk you don't really care about that. Long before all-seated stadium became a requirement in the UK the Rangers end was a covered terracing. And before it was concreted it was just dust on the ground. So if Scotland scored you'd have thousands of feet churning up this dust and you'd have to insert your scarf into your mouth to breathe through (or tie the scarf round your face). Going back on the train you'd blow your nose and all that would come out was this black mess. I miss those days. As disgusting as it sounds you couldnae beat it. A goal would be scored and you'd end up about 20 yards away from where you started minus a shoe. Even funnier was before the drinks ban in 1980 seeing them clear up all the bottles and cans from the terracing.
One of my funniest memories at Hampden was when Scotland played England. The England fans decided to fight the Scotland fans. Somehow my cousin had managed to find himself in the England section (at the Celtic end) for this match. During this riot he was photographed in the Saturday evening football paper (sadly no longer published) - there are hundreds of England fans going berserk and in the middle of it all is my cousin on his own who had fallen asleep while standing up leaning against a barrier. He was quite proud of that picture and put it up on his bedroom wall. His mother didn't share his pride.
One of my funniest memories at Hampden was when Scotland played England. The England fans decided to fight the Scotland fans. Somehow my cousin had managed to find himself in the England section (at the Celtic end) for this match. During this riot he was photographed in the Saturday evening football paper (sadly no longer published) - there are hundreds of England fans going berserk and in the middle of it all is my cousin on his own who had fallen asleep while standing up leaning against a barrier. He was quite proud of that picture and put it up on his bedroom wall. His mother didn't share his pride.
No "life flashing before my eyes"
I thought I was going to die today - but I did not get the "life flashing before my eyes". Let me explain. I wrote before about my lack of sleep because I couldn't breathe. Well, I was cycling to work and got to the bugger of a hill on the outskirts of town. I was out of breath by this time and as I went up the hill I thought I was going to run out of breath. My heart got faster at the prospect and so I tried to breathe harder. I was on the verge of a full scale panic attack as I thought I was about to die. But no life flashing before my eyes. Probably sums up my life (he says depressingly) the fact there was nothing there.
Finding out shortcuts after all this time
Fat and Bald
I've had a computer of one type or another since 1984 (OK - I had an Amstrad PCW10 back then and that's not really a computer....but it did have a keyboard, monitor and printer). I've been using the internet since 1987 - and using Internet Explorer. Yet it is only in the last week I've found you can drag a link to the address bar and it'll open that page. What's the point in that I hear you ask? Well, this heap of a computer doesn't like opening new browser windows - it tends to crash when this happens. But I don't know if a link is going to try and open in a new window or in the same browser so dragging it means I no longer have to worry.
There was another shortcut I only just found out about but I can't remember what it is. I'll probably remember as soon as I press the "publish" button.
I've had a computer of one type or another since 1984 (OK - I had an Amstrad PCW10 back then and that's not really a computer....but it did have a keyboard, monitor and printer). I've been using the internet since 1987 - and using Internet Explorer. Yet it is only in the last week I've found you can drag a link to the address bar and it'll open that page. What's the point in that I hear you ask? Well, this heap of a computer doesn't like opening new browser windows - it tends to crash when this happens. But I don't know if a link is going to try and open in a new window or in the same browser so dragging it means I no longer have to worry.
There was another shortcut I only just found out about but I can't remember what it is. I'll probably remember as soon as I press the "publish" button.
A sleepless night
I knew it was going to happen but I got no sleep last night. I'd decided to hoover underneath the desk where my computer is. Haven't done it in years due to the amount of cables in the way. Anyway - I had to get right under the desk and start brushing the dust away from the skirting board and from underneath the massive pile of cables that's built up over the years. I could hardly breathe at that point so I knew by the time I went to bed I'd have no chance whatsoever.......and I was right. Even getting up at 3:30am for a pie with salad cream didn't cure me. But it does give you an idea why this blog is called "Fat and Bald".
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Faster broadband
Hopefully I'll be upgraded to a faster boradband soon. Currently my "two green monitors" icon next to the clock in the system tray show 576,000 bps - hopefully I will be going along at twice that speed for the same price. I can download more crap each month.
Friday, April 01, 2005
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