Saturday, April 30, 2005

Keeping the blog anonymouse

Why is it I can write anything on my blog that people I don't know can read - and online forums where I have revealed some things about me that I would never reveal even to my family? I mean I would never tell anyone in the real world about this blog. I do get worried that someone may search on my e-mail address and find this blog. Even though the e-mail address doesn't give my name, put together with other things it actually does. In case anyone cares, theesel1994 relates to a semi-professional football team I support and the year of their greatest achievement in over a century of playing football. They have another important game on Monday night - a win and they win promotion out of this godforesaken league and if another team also playing that night fails to win then they are league champions.

Most amusing tonight seeing fireworks going off. A kind of "fuck you" to the police. Let me explain. Every time Celtic get beat there are fireworks let off in a street nearby in the town I live. It is quite a substantial amount of fireworks. It is more of an annoyance to those nearby than anything else. Until a couple of weeks ago that is. Celtic had been beaten by Hearts and the fireworks went off as usual an hour or so later. But later on that evening it was announce on TV the Pope had died. Within a couple of minutes there was a second firework display of the night. The following weeks local newspaper had the front page displaying outrage at this. It has been suggested that the police were set to trap those responsible had Rangers beat Celtic last Sunday but it wasn't to be. So tonight was a kind of "fuck you" to the police. Everyone in town knows who is responsible but it's just a case of catching them in the act. The funny thing is it isn't kids - one of them is 45 years old.

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