Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Kettle AGAIN!!

In the words of Victor Meldrew "I don't belieeeeeeeeeeeve it".

I've only gone and done it again. This time my washing machine was rumbling away in the kitchen at the same time as I put the kettle on. As I sat on my settee the noise started to annoy me so I closed the sliding door to the kitchen. After the washing machine had finished I went back into the kitchen and thought "a bit warm in here". Also the funny smell was back. Does my memory only last 30 seconds now.

Well I've no excuse for not getting to work for 9am tomorrow. I've made my sandwiches and they're in the fridge. My clothes are all ready just to put on. I've got most of what i need to do in the flat done just now so I can go to my bed at midnight or earlier.

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