Saturday, March 25, 2006

The wrong person

Why is it when I'm depressed I always think back to my youth and then feel even more depressed. I can honestly say that the last time I was really happy was the summer of 1982. I can't say I remember anything of that summer. I just left school and was drunk most of the summer. By November things had started to go sour. I've a permanent reminder of the 5th November of that year. I became the ultimate wrong person that night. I don't what's worse....being a wrong person? Or now that I'm old - a non-person? I think my batch of home brewed lager had ripened (I don't know the right word) around that time. I was drunk every night in October. I say "home brewed lager" - it had the same colour as lager but that's where the similarities ended. I remember drinking it with someone one night and we went through packet upon packet of chewing gum in an attempt to deaden the taste. I was crazy stuff. It didn't do anything to your legs. But it made your lips go numb. And talking was impossible. So you'd walk up to someone and they wouldn't notice anything out the ordinary. You'd open your mouth and it was like Bill and Ben, the flowerpot men.

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