Friday, March 24, 2006

Missed work today

I missed work today. I just dithered about too long this morning on the computer and by the time I'd finished it had started to rain a little. So I thought, I'll give it 15 minutes for the rain to go off. But it didn't. It got harder. My brother's van passed by my bedroom window so I picked up the phone to see if he could give me a lift to work if he was heading back that way. But I wasn't fully dressed. With hindsight, I should just have gone ahead and phoned him as it would only have taken me 5 or 10 minutes to get ready. By this time the rain was belting down and there was a vicious wind. If t had just been windy - I'd have cycled. If it had been raining on its own - I'd have put on waterproof trousers and cycled. But wet and windy - is just too misearble to cycle in. I wish I'd just gone when I had first thought of switching off the computer....around 10:30 am.


me-luv-pandas said...

hmm - too wet to go into work - I'll try that excuse next time I don't want to go in, I'm sure they will say it's ok :/

Anonymous said...

Too wet AND windy.

me-luv-pandas said...

so you mean to tell me that when I spoke to you on MSN this morning you weren't fully dressed> oooooo :D you kept that quiet :D

theesel1994 said...

I was just wearing a smile and ONE sock.