Monday, March 13, 2006

Photo Blog

Photo Blog
You'll have to right click on this and open it in a new browser window or a new tab otherwise you'll be taken away from my blog. I was clicking on the "Next Blog" at the top right of my blog and found this blog. It cames as a bit of a shock the find Tiffany and Debbie Gibson had done some nude photo shoots. They were 80's versions of Britney Spears. Except they were whiter than white.


me-luv-pandas said...

I clicked on this link at work and got a load of fannies and tits. I just hope they don't look at what we have been viewing!!
Oh yuk - there is what looks like a piece of snot on the number one key! This keyboard is FILTHY! I am in the doctors office using this keyboard. You know, those people who are supposed to wash their hands all the time- this is gross- I'm gonna catch me MRSA.

theesel1994 said...

I thought you were talking about the England football team for a minute there. I thought the link must have changed.

What were you expecting to find when you clicked the link?
Sydney Opera House, perhaps? The hanging gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically...
(to steal a quote from Fawlty Towers).

I think the clue was in the words "nude photo shoot".

Oh he's sarcy today, isn't he?