Wednesday, July 13, 2005

£1 richer

I felt like I'd won the lottery tonight. I went to put my trolley back in its place at the supermarket and noticed a £1 coin in the trolley in front after I'd got my own £1 back. It confused me until I found the slotty thing and swiped the £1 for myself. Had I seen the person put the trolley there I would have shouted to them (honest) but instead I pocketed the money with a feeling of smugness.

Thunder and lightning
I think we may have some of this soon. My bedroom is like an oven just now. Really hot. The previous night I was going to leave the bedroom window wide open - but I was scared burglars would sneak in and bugger me while I was sleeping (coz that's wot they do you know). Tonight I'll take my chances. I've never tried it so I might even enjoy it if they did it to me. The only other problem is it's been boiling hot all day but dark clouds have been appearing. Knowing my luck it will start pissing it down when I've got the windows wide open.

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