Friday, July 01, 2005

Could I be about to BUY some music

Ever since I got broadband (and probably before) I have this reluctance to actually buy music.It's pretty easy to find most of what I'm looking for on Usenet and it takes less time than the song is to download. But I've saw a Dido dvd that has a free audio cd as well and I think I may just buy it. Old habits die hard as I've already downloaded the audio cd off of Usenet but there are another five tracks on the dvd. Dido has become like Dire Straits (Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?) She was massive once, like Dire Straits and now it has become fashionable to knock her, like Dire Straits. Ah well, I like them both.

Hearing knocking at the door
Very early this morning I thought I heard a knock at my door. As I'm expecting a large football book to be delivered (actually a book about one of my own club's rivals) I got up to see if the knock at the door was the postie. There was a policeman at my neighbours door and I asked him if he had knocked on my door. It must have been the knocking at my neighbour's door I heard. Still, I suppose it's better than getting up to answer a knock at the door and the knock was actually in my dream.

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