Tuesday, May 03, 2005

My football team weren't thinking

My football team decided rather than play their final league game of the season on a Saturday they got the fixtures secretary to schedule them a game as quickly as possible. The reason being that they could then stop paying their players expenses for coming to training until the pre-ssason training begins in July. Unfortunately, they must have forgotten, or not realised that all the cup winners and league winners in the West Region go into an end of season competition. This competition can't begin until all the winners are known. And that won't be until the start of June. So they'll be twiddling their thumbs for the next month.

Thunder and lightning (again)
I've mentioned my fear of thunder and lightning before on this blog. It's now getting to that time of year again. It had that kind of feeling today. I was sat in my living room watching the view out my bedroom window on the CCTV camera. There seemed to be rain falling - but when I looked out the living room window.......nothing. Then the ground started to look wet. The view through the camera isn't perfect - the colour goes weird at times. So I wasn't 100% sure the ground was getting wet. The cars going by didn't have their wipers going. It was raining. So what's this got to do with thunder and lightning. Well, when it's this kind of day and the lights suddenly dim or there is some crackling on TV I then start counting the seconds anticipating thunder. I was told that for every second between the lightning and the thunder represented 1 mile away. I did my own calculations based on the speed of sound I think and came out with the theory that for every 5 seconds it was one mile. Is that right (talking to myself) - does that mean for every second is 1/5th of a mile? I think I'll go back to my old way of thinking. And if that is incorrect I don't want it correcting by anyone reading this blog.

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