Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Why did I have to hold that flowery thing?

I've just been thinking about the picture below.
or at that link.
It was my favourite picture of me until I saw the flowery thing and though it made me look gay. I wish I was good at Photoshop and I could maybe alter it into something more masculine looking. It looks like I'm wearing some kind of school top. Reminds me of mate from school. We were playing tennis on a REALLY hot day. I was wearing a tee-shirt and shorts. He was wearing his school jumper and long trousers. After complaining about the heat I told him to take his jumper off. He did. There was an identical grey jumper on underneath.
He used to wear wellington boots all the time. I mean ALL the time. he was probably wearing them while playing tennis.

Why I was crap at tennis
I was crap at tennis. I blame it on the wall outside our front garden.
I'll draw a diagram later to explain the layout of the area in front of my house. But, in short - we had a wall which was about tennis net height with a hedge above it. So I used to hit the ball against this wall. Unfortunately that meant I was always hitting the ball at the height of a tennis neight - never above it as it would go into the hedge.

Holy shit - the computer just flickered. Count for a few seconds just in case it was lightning...........phew. It wasn't.

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